Set in the late 1970's this though provoking drama explores many of the issues facing society at that time. I thought two and a half hours with only three actors would seem like a long time, but there was so much to take in and time flew by.
Many issues are explored from; What makes a family; what is most important in life; the place of culture and learning in our lives; how events shape our lives; the roles of men and women.
It also explores the idea that there is good and bad in every culture. At first I didn't identify with any of the characters, by the end I could identify with all three!
Men, I'm afraid that you don't come out of this play looking very good and men do have a lot to answer for.
In this play there is also inter-generational conflict but by the end this is resolved in a very satisfactory way. The importance of being honest with each other comes through very strongly. Do we make enough effort to understand people who are different to us?
Finally I was impressed with the way all three characters were understood by the actors and the way the thought that most important of all is unconditional love.
Reviewed by Kevin Hunt
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