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Local News

Hawke’s Bay Police will join some of the region’s Special Olympics athletes at 1pm tomorrow to carry the Flame of Hope through Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park in Hastings.

The event is part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run which will see torches relayed from each end of New Zealand to Hamilton – the venue for the 2022 Special Olympics National Summer Games.

The Hastings leg of the run is one of 31 torch run events taking place throughout New Zealand in the lead-up to the Games which take place in December.


Associate Local Government Minister, and Wairarapa MP, Kieran McAnulty has announced a $10 million fund to support rural water providers.

Mr McAnulty made the announcement in Eketahuna this week, alongside Tararua Mayor Tracey Collis.

The money would be used to make sure water sources met the standards laid out by the Crown entity regulator for drinking water.

McAnulty said the support would ensure the reliability of quality water across the country.

He said the fund is targeting small rural suppliers that don't come under the Three Waters proposals but still need to meet minimum standards, which could be a big ask for some of them.


Fire and Emergency is calling for people to be careful when letting off fireworks this Guy Fawkes, particularly with high winds forecast across the country.

Community Education Manager, Adrian Nacey said people shouldn’t light fireworks if it’s too windy.

He said it only takes a stray firework to start a fire or hurt someone,

Mr Nacey said those letting of fireworks should make sure they have a safe set up when lighting fireworks including lighting them in a wide-open space, away from anything that could catch fire and have a bucket of water or hose nearby.

He said fireworks should also be disposed of safely.

Waipukurau Volunteer Deputy Fire Chief, Glen Millar, said people should enjoy themselves and be safe, but should also think of pets and other animals before lighting fireworks.

The Waipukurau Jockey Club has once again offered support and yards for horse owners concerned about their situation for Guy Fawkes.

Anyone requiring yarding can contact the club through its Facebook page.


Congratulations to Ari Henson who was named the Waipukurau Rotary Clubs’ Young Employee of the Year earlier this week.

Employed by EPIC Youth Ministries, Ari was one of a record 13 nominees this year.