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Local News

Dannevirke Police are investigating a break-in at a local school.

Staff at Ruahine School discovered the break-in when they arrived at work yesterday.
The school was closed for the day while staff sorted through the mess left behind.
Televisions and a school cellphone were among the items taken.
Ruahine School is on rural Maharahara Road.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Dannevirke Police.
Urban properties in Central Hawke’s Bay are set to bear the brunt of upcoming rates rises.
Quotable Value recently sent property owners updated valuations, with today the deadline for objections to the new values.
In the next financial year, the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council is set to increase rates to take in an extra $1.6 million, or 6.8%.
Yesterday Mayor Alex Walker said the new QV valuations do not change or increase that budget but do change how the rates are spread across the district.
She said strong growth in urban areas of the district has meant that it will now be owners of residential properties that will experience the highest rates increases this year.  
Residential property values have increased by 128% since 2018 while commercial properties have seen a 50% increase. Pastoral units have only increased by 42% and dairy blocks by 20%.   
Alex Walker said smaller rural towns like Ongaonga and Tikokino have also risen faster than the larger towns.
The Hawke’s Bay regional Council will present the results of its Coastal Bird Survey this evening.

The Council surveyed 321 kilometres of Hawke’s Bay’s coastline to record birds and marine mammals.

Surveyors recorded the presence and number of all birds and marine mammals they saw for each 1km section along the coast. 

The Council says over 32,000 birds were counted.

The results will be shared in an online session on the HBRC Facebook Page between 6 and 7pm tonight.