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Central Hawke’s Bay District Council and Sport Hawke’s Bay Launch Waka Tākaro

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council has partnered with Sport Hawke’s Bay to launch the Waka Tākaro Central Hawke's Bay’s Play Trailer, a free community resource to educate and promote play for our tamariki.

Play is widely recognised for its vital role in children’s overall development and its ability to boost health and happiness for children and whānau alike. However, through a rise in the use of digital platforms, authentic play has seen a reduction in recent years.

Made possible through funding from Sport New Zealand and Sport Hawke’s Bay, Waka Tākaro was officially launched on Thursday 12 October, and has been created by a local team to offer tamariki opportunities for free, creative play.

The mobile trailer will be stocked with a range of play and sports gear including anything from bats, balls, nets, tennis balls, timber and recycled items which will drive fun in the Central Hawke’s Bay communities.

Kelly Annand, Central Hawke’s Bay Deputy Mayor says, "This is an awesome initiative in partnership with Sport Hawke's Bay for our community - we all need to do what we can to support and encourage our tamariki to explore, meet new people, be active and have fun in ways that are meaningful for them." “Waka Tākaro is a fantastic resource available for everyone of all ages – the play trailer will be visiting schools, carnivals, shows, markets and remote areas through the summer as a form of promotion of play, and to educate the community about Waka Tākaro and its purpose.”

Tina Haslett, Spaces and Places Lead says Sport Hawke’s Bay were thrilled to support Central Hawke’s Bay District Council with the initiative.“This is a first step towards positioning Play in the region. Central Hawke’s Bay District Council are listening so well to what is happening to Play on a national scale - many kiwi kids aren’t having the same playful upbringing enjoyed by previous generations, and play is in decline.

”"Waka Tākaro as a treasure chest for good times together.  It’s a very special asset which has come to life through the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund, and in partnership with Council and Sport Hawke’s Bay, we hope to support many more Play initiatives through this fund in the next twelve months.

”If you would like further information about Waka Tākaro or would like to book it to use at your event, please get in touch with the Play Activator by calling 06 857 8060 or emailing You can also visit our website and search Waka Tākaro.