On Thursday 7 October 2021, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council released the Takapau wastewater consent(s) lodged by Central Hawke’s Bay District Council to the general public, calling for feedback for the proposed discharge of wastewater from the Takapau Wastewater Treatment Plant to land.
Following more than two years of engagement with the Takapau community and interested parties, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council have presented a consent and concept design that aligns with the feedback gathered through the Long-Term Plan, community meetings and direct engagement with stakeholders.With the current consent set to expire on 31 October 2021, a combined land and water discharge system is being put forward that will see a maximum of 30ha of farmland irrigated and the river only used when it is very wet and irrigation is unable to take place, or the river is in high flow.
The new system is recommended to roll out in two stages over the next five years once the consent is granted. The first stage aims to set up irrigation on a small, 5ha land area using the existing system and pond for storage with some river discharge; the second stage will increase the land area to 30ha, see a new storage pond built and reduce river discharge to wet weather periods only.The treated wastewater will be released onto land at slow rates, allowing time for absorption and plant growth. This approach aligns with council’s wastewater strategy and vision that effluent is treated in a sustainable way, to create a resource and protect our environment now and for generations to come.
Councillor Brent Muggeridge, Chair of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, says “this notified consent is a significant milestone in our Big Wastewater Story programme. We are signalling an important environmental change to how we discharge and manage wastewater in the district.”Central Hawke's Bay District Council lodged the consent in late April 2021 and has responded to information requests and clarifications on the proposal with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council over the last few months, until the parties were satisfied the consent was able to be notified to the public.
Making a Submission to HBRC
Any person may make a submission on the application by going online to www.hbrc.govt.nz. Search #notified and completing the online submission form (Form 13).Or visit https://www.hbrc.govt.nz/services/resource-consents/notified-consents/takapau-wastewater-treatment-plant/.
Hard copy submission forms can also be obtained from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council reception or upon request.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council must receive your submission no later than 5pm Friday 5 November 2021.
If you wish to discuss the project, contact Central Hawke’s Bay District Council on 06 857 8060.For more information on the consent application, click here.For full information on this project, click here.