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Local News

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council contractors were dealing with a water mains break in Waipawa overnight.

The break was reported on Watts Street, with the supply to Watts Street, Eagle Street, Ireland Road and Homewood Road shutdown about 9pm to make necessary repairs.

The Council said it was aiming to have the supply back up and running by 5 o’clock this morning.

Meanwhile Waipawa and Otane residents were asked to stop non-essential use of water following a power fault at the Tikokino Road supply yesterday.

A computer fault in a back-up generator was identified and repaired around 6pm.


The Central Hawke’s Bay District Council says it is “appalled” at the announcement from the Government yesterday to make Three Waters Reforms compulsory.

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta made the announcement yesterday that water assets would be managed by four large water entities, and that Councils could not opt-out.

Hawke’s Bay’s Councils had expressed plans to form a region-wide entity to manage Three Waters.

Central Hawke’s Bay Mayor Alex Walker said Council supported regional infrastructure ownership, management and delivery, however do not agree with the model proposed by the Government.

She said Council believe the model poses significant risks to local ownership, influence, prioritisation and democracy.

Ms Walker said she is both saddened and frustrated that the proposed reform will be mandated without the voices of our community being heard.


The Waipawa Bowling Club raised $405 for the Ronald McDonald House Charity from a recent tournament.

36 players took part in the tournament, which saw 1st Place go to the team of Barrie Herbison, Ray Freemantle and Janet Collins.

Gary Allerby, Phillip Dallimore and Lorraine Watson placed second.

Prizes for the tournament were supplied by Kingfisher Gifts and presented by Terry Kingston and two of his grand-daughters.

Mr Kingston spoke of the value to Central Hawke’s Bay that the Ronald McDonald House has afforded.


Police received a number of calls following a major disorder event in Waipukurau’s main street last Saturday.

Senior Constable Andy Walker said a carload of young people stopped in middle of street to have a fight with others on the side of the road.

He said the incident was very distressing, and there were a lot of upset people that this kind of thing was happening in Waipukurau.

Due to ages of the alleged offenders, they will be dealt with by the Police Youth Aid section.