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Local News

Police in Hastings are seeking witnesses to an assault at Cornwall Park on Saturday afternoon.

A Police spokesperson said at about 2.15pm, a man was assaulted and received facial injuries, and they are working to establish what exactly has occurred and to locate those responsible.

The spokesperson said Police would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time and may have witnessed the assault.

Anyone with information that could assist is asked to contact Police on 105, or call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


Locals who haven’t received their papers for tomorrows Census shouldn’t panic.

Following a decision by Cabinet, Statistics NZ has extended the date for regions affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

While some people have received the Census papers already, many took to Central FM’s Facebook page over the weekend to say they hadn’t.

For areas affected by the cyclone, Stats NZ says there will be an extension of time to do the census, with on-the-ground support until the 1st of June where needed, and further time to complete the census online.

They say amendments to how the census will be collected will also be made, including more community-led initiatives to support people to participate.


A more settled week on the weather front is expected this week.

Metservice is predicting no severe weather for Hawke’s Bay, and while there are showers forecast for today, fine, settled weather is forecast from tomorrow until Thursday.


The National State of Emergency was lifted for Tararua District on Friday morning.

Emergency Management Minister Kieran McAnulty lifted the declaration, which had been in effect since February 14th, for Northland, Auckland, Waikato, and Tararua.

Notice of a national transition period for those areas came into effect immediately upon the lifting of the national state of emergency.

Tararua District Mayor Tracey Collis welcomed the move to the transitional period which allows for a district-led recovery but with central government support.

She said it is going to be a long-term effort, with the effects felt far into the future.

Mrs Collis acknowledged the efforts and generosity of everyone that has helped or contributed in some way in what has proven to be the districts’ most significant Civil Defence event.